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Friday, April 2, 2010

Today at the Ahwahnee it looks like this only with raindrops falling from the sky.  I hope I run into folks that know where rain comes from.  I posted this photo for my friend Patricia because she has not been to Yosemite to visit me yet and has not seen the Ahwahnee Hotel because she is busy earning her Bachelors Degree.  I think the only degree I am earning is my Yosemite Degree.  But it will definitely look good on my resume.

Easter is upon us and out on the Wedding Lawn and the Solarium Lawn, our Hotel is staging 3 easter egg hunts and one fabulous wedding.  We are expecting some 1,500 children and families for the Easter  Celebrations.  It was reported to me that the Easter Bunny will be here and in fact there might be more than one...I do know that we have live green Easter Bunnies in the dining room.  For the last few weeks me and my co-worker have been daily bathing the bunnies and keeping their vines growing in the moss...you see these bunnies are special.  They have been created out of wire frames, covered with moss and then bound with see through thread and planted with ivy vines.  They look rather green!  Fresh to say the least.

Our weather today has been pleasant and just tonight it got rainy.  It has been pouring down and we Yosemites expect it to snow soon.

All day today I have been misting the orchids in the Hotel.  Then the rest of the day I spent outside on the lawns, preparing them for our weekend guests.  I picked up sticks and rocks and deer drops and cones.  Some of the cones were full and some were totally eaten by the families of squirrel and chipmunks that scurry about our spring green gardens.  I filled two gator beds full for the trash dump.

For lunch I heated up a quick dinner of southwest chicken.  Now why would I do that when we have the best gourmet kitchen food in all of Yosemite?  30 minutes and no time to savor the delicious food is my only reason.  I like to relax when I enjoy my meal.  By the time I walk up the stairs to clock out, walk down the stairs and down the hallway, say hello to everyone, wait my turn, put in an order, get my dishes, my silverware, walk through the very busy kitchen filled with hub-bubing waiters, busers, servers, and cooks and managers, and squeeze past the bread section and the meat section and the veggie section to the last door on the left and then squeeze into the small dining area, the one for employees and locate an empty space, pull off the chairs and put them on the floor and set up my food dishes, my drink, pull out my chair, and take off my hat, my gloves, my coat and then finally sit down to eat...it is time for one bite, one sip of lemonade and stand and leave again...pick up my dirty dishes and my  drink cup and redress and squeeze back out past all the other hungry diners in the employees dining area...whew, I am tired of eating.  It is more work to take a 30 minute lunch break and call it eating, than it is to work 8 hours plus an 1 of overtime for helping in housekeeping, and omit lunch altogether.

This is Anthony checking over the delicious Sunday Buffet specially prepared for guests on Sunday.  This is served in the relaxing atmosphere of the Ahwahnee Hotel dining room.  The dining room overlooks the meadows and if you look out the surrounding windows toward the south west end you can see the grand display of Yosemite Falls decorated with its legendary winter ice cone.
If we are lucky we will have a taste of leftovers at the end of the serving day.  Last Sunday we had a plate of lime jello fluff molded onto a flaky crust and nestled snuggily inside was a tidbit of chocolate fluff.  It was melt in your mouth good.

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