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Monday, May 10, 2010

The Universal Mother

The ninth of May was Mothers Day...the day of Universal Motherhood.  At the Ahwahnee so many people wished me Happy Mothers Day that my head was literally swimming.  So many people gave me hugs and smiles I was feeling like a squished fish.  I wished so many Mothers and Mothers to be a Happy Mothers day that I was beginning to feel like a recorded message.  Then I realized something.

Every woman in the Universe is a mother or a potential mother or a mother in the making and we introduce each other to the myriad facets of Motherhood and natural nuturing processes over time.  Motherhood may be in our genes, however we acquire the talent and the gifts over time and education in order to be mothers of the world.  Being a mother is more than giving birth to humans.

On this specially created day of mothers, I realized that ever since I have come to Yosemite National Park to work that I have been blessed by superior management of self realization...a gift that has absolutely nothing to do with what one may do for a normal work day, but everything to do with what one does for personal development.  However in my case it has been given as an extraordinary insight from special individual persons.

The role of a woman in this society and others is basically that of a home maker or home worker.  We have inherited certain specific tasks and functions to make our world more harmonious and peaceful.  Some of these point source tasks are tending our gardens, watering our flowers, raking our leaves, cleaning our paths, throwing out the trash, and those are inside or outside or our homes.  On the inside of our homes we do the laundry, iron the clothes, hang the clothes up, fetch the linens, make the beds, vacumn the floors, clean up the bathrooms, scrub the tubs, the toilets,  and throw out the accumulated trash.  In our kitchens we select what we will eat, we cook, we clean dishes, and we socialize with others in our household.  Inadvertently we clock in and clock out of our various ADL's...our activities of daily living.  We take note of each others behaviours, and we list our daily activities and we run checks on how we do each day, both for our own personal evaluation and for the sake of our smooth operating homes.  We tend to each others needs in many ways as we move about our homes.

With a sudden sense of clarity, I realized that my manager at work has placed me in all the capacities and functions listed above.  I have become by function and duty A MOTHER of the Ahwahnee Hotel.  Of course I am not sure this is intentional, however it is a point in fact and for this I am eternally grateful.  While this Mothering quality was hidden inside of an occupational task it has become a point of sensitive realization and has taught me a lesson that through a sense of a mothers duty to like myself and my soul.  That you ladies, daughters and other mothers of my universe!

These are the Anthuriums and grow in pots.  They enjoy moisture and find growth where ever they find light. By their existance they help humans manager their own lives and make a day more beautiful.  Happy Mothers Day!

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