What would you like to know more about Yosemite?

Saturday, June 26, 2010



By Merrily McCarthy

I want to curl myself
Up in your lofty pine boughs
Run my tongue, to taste
Your silver/green pine needles
Roll upon your ancient wood
Until absorbed, I feel part of you…

When I am thirsty
I drink deeply from your eyes
Their liquid amber glow
Filling me to the quickness
Of my heart…
My hunger demands, more…

I listen to you, pines
Listen to your shimmering
Listen… harkening to your voice
Watch the Raven,
He talks to me
And the small sky peepers
And the Mountain Blue Jay
And the flutter
Of the Dogwoods; their gospel green leaves,
Flowers of white petals
Sitting as statements in the sun…
Delicate visual poetry.

Set me upon thee strong member
Pierce with lust and passion;
Not the cold/hot melt of snow
When so cold it burns…

There are more than
Four seasons to my heart;
Each more eager
To change into love
Than the last…

Puff your breath deeply
Into my eager wanton lips…
Allow me to swell within
Filled by your soul-vesseling vapors…
Where I may take you
Down with me
Whence flows
The oceans heavy currents
So formly moved by it’s unrest…

I want to die in your arms
Have your truth buried in me.
I want to lay with you
In the sweet moments of tomorrow
Sharing our dreams together…
With no unspoken promises
Still burning upon our lips.
I want to cry out
Know why the eagles soar
Every time I am loving you…

I want to be the first sight
You see in morning light,
As we rise to dawn of day…
And the last ear at evening end
To hear what song your
Whispered words will play,
Now tenderly hold me close
While gentle sleep floats us away…

When the sun sets,
It’s pale pink rays spread
Across the horizon of the sky,
I want your heart surrendered...upon mine
Entwined as we both melt in our heat…
Pulsing to the rhythms of an earthen beat…
Carry me upon your waters
As we move soft, low and sweet…

May I bear the burden
Of your full weight
Bouldering above
Your mighty talus feet…

In Old Europe the GateKeepers lived in the towers of the entrance Gates and controlled who entered the palace and the cities.  The Gatekeepers basically in this manner controlled not only who came and went, but also controlled the economy and the politics of the settlement.  If a GateKeeper did not wish something to be told or sold or brought into the city behind the walls he could send it away and no one would ever know.  GateKeepers were given extreme power in Old Europe.  Modern society has evolved the gatekeeper methodology to  be implimented into software systems as well as the traditional people controlling information, such as in the newspaper companies or the United States Capitol, or simply a bouncer in a nightclub.   GateKeepers are everywhere in some form or the other as they may be informal or formal.  An Editor can be called a GateKeeper.  A minister is a GateKeeper for religious thinking and related activities.  A parent is a GateKeeper for the offspring and how the children relate to the rest of the social structure.  Our environment is a GateKeeper because we as humans have to conform and live within the boundaries of environmental possibilities.  A husband or a lover is also a GateKeeper in a family or in a relationship, or the GateKeeper could possibly be the wife or the mother...just depends on whomever exerts the controlling powers at the time.  It appears to be somewhat embedded in our system of thought.  Perhaps today humans refer to it more on the level of self actuating responsiblity, as opposed to an intellectual activity that is removed from ones own immediate resources.   It is interesting to note that this old system still flourishes and helps contain and regulate the flow of information and the input of knowledge and who gets rich and who does not.

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