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Thursday, June 17, 2010

When Old People Cry

When Old People Cry

Would you like to place
Your succulent youthful lips
Of softly rosen hue
In front of mine
For me to fully view?

How would you feel
To taste my warmth
That lingers wet
Upon my aging cheek?

One tender knowing kiss
Placed gently
Caressed by our breathe
Whence we lovingly speak...

Is it to much to hope
That tomorrows love
Is better born
Than my old wrinkles
You find today
Growing from, I see
Your frown of scorn...

As you place
Your Golden Kiss
Upon my old and wrinkled face...
Is there some wisdom torn
From pages written long ago
When springs love is renewed again
Kissing good by to winters
Softly falling cold blue snow.

I offer up my wrinkled cheek
Having tipped its last tear good by
Now I settle in with decaying age
Knowing youth is gone.
In my last and final phase
I allow myself the luxury

At last we finally meet
Understand this destiny of ours.
The ancient storms of billowing dust
Are fastly filling my cracks of time
I cannot escape the weight as I bend
Yet, I stand against it to struggle
From my darkness, I see your light.
Although I am burdened
Battle scared and torn...
The love I feel for you
Floods my thundering heart
Amidst noble and sacred cause
When brightly worn...

Tho my last breathe
May whistle between
Lost and missing teeth...
Lo, many ruptures of my veins
Corrupt to watch -
I nurse the tumors and the aches
Causing me to tremble -
Feeling your glowing passionate heart
Surrounds, ah, embraces
My insistent body and my vibrant song
Like a mantle of protective cloth -
Streams of fabulous shimmering gold
Keeping me from falling
Into the furnace of the unloved
As I slowly dimenish and grow cold.

Your thoughts ever so worthy
As well your cherished gift
To us of life...
Found deep
In the well of your heart.
Handsome youth;
Born from your Mother's
Tender bearing womb...
We bear witness
To your noble nature,
Caring character -nourished by inspiration
From the man you are within...

Favor me with acceptance
As I lay my aging body
In the path of your great grace...
I realize I am not worthy
To gaze upon your most lovely,
Gracious face...

Now at times scattered in the web
Of my wracked and feverish brain
I collide with ancient atoms
Free radicals of storm and strain
And I wash my hands of genocide...
Finding a humble solitary rock
Somewhere in the universe its placed
Bury my head upon it' s edge.
No, there is no culmination
Only souls determined disintegration
I know sorrow; I know it's happening:

So I allow you to kiss me
Your lips: comfort divine.
And for as long as I have
Left to remember
Your soul and mine entwine.
I joined with you
Returning to blessed youth
Giving to you -
Surrendering -
All my knowledge, my ancient wisdom
And my truth...

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