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Saturday, October 13, 2012


Singer Songwriter Keith Harkin tweeted a picture of a young woman standing in a hallway with two fully clothed young men.  They were banging on a door.  The young woman was wearing  a thong string bikini.  Her full backside flopped out like meal time mashed potatoes.  Looking at the image made me grimace and not because I am a prude, or dislike disrobed images of the female form:  she was no modest.

The young artist did not explain his photographic intentions, the picture was just that, no opinion, just a flat: mm mm. Another what do you think type of snapshot.  The way the image was posed got me to thinking about things of long ago, when female modesty was a desired characteristic of female comportment.  Today is the year 2012 and the bad thing is, modesty among women has all but disappeared and taken a turn toward the outlandishly immodest apparel possible and in the most opportunistic and often important of positions.

You might believe women in positions of prominence and power would wield their physical beauty with dignity, grace, composure, and above all modesty.  What I notice is the complete lack of understanding of the word modesty as they flaunt their screaming skin beneath the tightest of polyester pants and blouses that put sonar tracks to the lowest portions of the ocean exposing erupting mounds of lava hills.
I truly wonder what has become of the dignity and modesty that used to be the grand domain of female elegance and beauty.

I will say if you have fat, do not flaunt it to the mounts of moons.  Curves can be proportionate and beautiful, but they do not have to be paraded around and used in positioning power politics for manipulative purposes.  Women are tripping if they thin overly tight and overly low  GCD (Garments, Clothing, Dress) make them more attractive other than to their own self aggrandized pornographic images in their own mirrors.

In certain neighborhoods we do observe women who wear the tightest if jeans, and the tightest of blouses and the lowest of designs...when they walk they look like organic low-riders at a rhythmic bounce.  The question is, what is the mechanics of this process:  "I can wear whatever I want?"  Or is it, "I am hot!"  Or is it: "What you see is what you get...and you can see all of me!"  I am certain whatever the reason it makes sense to the immodest ideals of the sports that wear whatever they want, whenever they want.

Personally I feel the lose of female feminine modesty is a lose for all women.

Women have a duty to care about how they appear, not only in public, but within the privacy of their family home.  Women carry the legacy of modest appearance.  It is demur, dignified, grace filled, lovely, and brings a joy of reverence and respect to those graced with the presence of a modest caring woman.  Women are born with this responsibility.  Various societies plow under these delicate social ideals.
Women grow bitter, and give up the beauty in order to survive.  I believe modesty helps them to survive.

Some family situations force women to become undignified, hardened to their natural beauty, and because of man's desire they are forced to flaunt their bodies in undignified ways to appease the desires of men.  Some men on the other hand love women who wear modest deportment and respect their position in a culture.

Either way modesty is choice.  And that choice is being lost because women are confused as to how to dress.  Lost as how to walk.  Lost as how to consider themselves in the light of all their modern duties.  Do they roll em up, pull em down, wear em  short, wear em long, buy it skin tight, make it loose,  wrap it, tie it, belt it, or burn all the old clothes and buy a new wardrobe!  We are a style crazed, garment bulged social structure, composed of women who have lost the focus of the meaning of femininity and modest dress.

The biking cycle culture has to have it all skin tight.  The rock climbers and to peel down to the bear minimum.  Bathing suits are barely nothing, but our own skin...and those who are overweight are encouraged to wear bikinis anyway, with the problem belonging to "anyone else who stares!"

That is the turning point of modesty.  If a woman wears a bit of clothing that draws attention to her over spacious and rebellious flesh...the population will turn a face to stare.  Is not that why she is flaunting her over ambitious body in the first place.  She wants people to look.  Then she can start her conflict and her social chaos.  "Oh my God, he is looking at me!"  "Stop, stop staring at me!"  And then we might hear,"he is perverted because he was staring at me!"  What women like that expose themselves to a surrounding environment of public eyes and expect not to be stared at?  Instead of beach/taco stands and beach/hot dog stands, the new thriving economy is BLINDERS for sale!"  Save your eyes and do not look!

All clothing stores that sell bathing suits used to sell lovely matching cover-ups of the same colors and fabric, and feminine modesty was preserved.  What happened to that idea?  It disappeared like the seagulls on the horizon.  On the beach men are partly to blame for this shift in female thinking because they might have encouraged the bikini clad maidens to "flaunt it all!"  And we are back to the fight.  Women want to be modest, and live in the light of beauty and grace and yet they are prodded and goaded to show more, give more, put it out there!
So what viewpoint wins?

Modesty and its delicate dimensions of dress is slowly sliding and in limbo.  We got to save it!  It does hold on in some corners of the globe.  The Muslims have great expectations for the women to cover up, but is it for modest purposes or something other?  Maybe the family can afford a few sheets of wrapped fabric as opposed to clothing that is stitched together by a sewing machine, and maybe the garment of sheets needs no underclothing, so saves on that expense as well.  And if they stay covered-up, they may use less water, less bedding at night, due to not needing sheets...and so what may appear to Westerners as a garment of female modesty, is merely a garment of pure environmental economy.  The wrapped sheets also dispel wayward stares from desiring male eyes, and thus reduce conflicts of jealousy.  In the kitchen if a woman wearing a sheet garment needs to wash dishes or wipe the table or the food from the baby...a corner of her sheet she is wearing comes in handy.  Although these may be improbable and strange ways of dealing with domestic chores the Muslim sheets have many practical purposes without ever taking them off or showing the female body.  The fabric in the sheets can be used for many domestic chores and practical purposes.  The garments may be worn and regarded as more than political signals, or religious determinants.

We of the Western Cultures have re-engineered clothing and thereby have changed the ideals of modesty into a blaze of glory for all women kind.  Our clothes reflect our status, our duties, our positions of power, our ever changing moods, our seasons of the year, our feelings of the moment, our sport activity, our desires,  our travel destinations, our social statements, our religious beliefs, our political beliefs and our sexual drives.    One simple white or off colored sheet will not serve all these creative urges.  We have devised different types of fabrics sewn into hundreds of designs and patterns to serve all our needs, and some do include the waning experience of feminine modesty.

We have created towels for bathing, washing, wiping and whatever else the process of birth, used up, and worn out leads to.  Among towels we have small, medium and big...we have colors and patterns and thicknesses and numbers of warps and wefts and tightness of weaves.  We have table cloths, and wash cloths, and curtains, and spreads, and sheets, and rugs, and endless varieties of fabrics for clothing in every color of the rainbow and every chemical combination man and God can put together.  Does all of this bring women closer to the quality of female MODESTY?  No that I can tell.

What appears to give us more in terms of choices also increases our choices in female and male behaviors toward the interaction of all these choices and behaviors.  While women are having a great time with all the choices and ways to alter their appearances and behaviors they are not necessarily guided to the idea of female modesty.  If anything, it appears they are being grossly misled.  All of this fabric distillation has come close to creating a garment war.  The fabrics are behind a mood change within the populations of the people.

The problems may not be overweight women trying to squeeze into the bikini or the stretch poly pants, or look pretty in Victoria's Secret Under weapons... or dropping her neckline to reveal a diamond studded Belly-Post and two rolling naughty breasts...it may be that women just can not find satisfaction either at home with their husbands or in particular who they are as women.  They are so lost in this stream of seasonal social seaming of fabrics and accessories, they just do not know what they are doing or who they are.

One sheet is closer to the ideal of modesty and beauty than all the choices laid on the table for the players in the game of "dress code!"

Dress code does not really exist if you are the person in charge of manipulating the dress code to where you use it to have the advantage over all the other people who do not have a choice in their wearing apparel.  One immodest female leader can set the stage of the ruination of all the others, simply because she ignores her basic female duties of inspiration for the orders of modesty.  If she moves forward on the binding contract of manipulative dress, wearing clothing to turn male eyes on her, or make her leadership carved from female sexual manipulation as opposed to leading by purposes and integrity...then she is obviously confused by her true nature of love and beauty.

Princess Diana was the perfection of modesty.  A true royal ruler of fashion and femininity. She was elegant beyond her days.  She held dignity and grace and carried her being in such a way that she inspired billions of humans with a love of her great beauty.  She held her finest hour stating this as her cause.  Princess Diana did not flaunt her body, nor her position through her choices of clothing.

Jacqueline Kennedy, the late first lady of the USA was one of these women also.  She as well carried herself and her garment choices with a beauty and dignity that spoke of the knowledge of female modesty.  She did not flaunt her body, nor her position through her choices of clothing.

Both of these women, Princess Diana and Jackie Kennedy held a sense of organized fashion in their approach to their public appearances and world view.  What they understood about how to dress, was much more than simple presentation of a fashion choice.  It was a statement of MODESTY.

In the United States, Mormon Women, Jehovah's Women, and often Catholic Women can be seen demonstrating this same system of female modesty.  But there are women who are grossly confused about the ideas of appropriate business dress coding.  Teachers are often ignorant of proper dress in front of students, as well as the leaders of businesses.  What these women express to me, is social fashion confusion.  It is not that they desire to be mal-dressed in front of their students or employees, they just are ignorant of the impact they make on other people.  They are so impressed with their own self important and self indulgent lives they have given up on the values they are supposed to be standing up for.  The clothing they wear reflects their attitudes of being "holier than thou", being sexually dominant, and wearing what they want just because they are placed in charge of something and can.  It is not the grace and modesty of power that Princess Diana exhibited, who was a school teacher, and Jackie Kennedy who was a socialite of great dignity.

Apparently American in general does not want its women to understand or know what they are doing with their fashion sense.  The more chaos that is created by the fashion industry and the ideals that it uses to achieve volume sales, the more money there will be to support the industry.  This means they are not in the least concerned whether or not women retain a spec of MODESTY or gentle decorum that helps brings peace to a global society.  We labor under mountains of threads and are repeatedly disdained for our hard work and generous efforts and we are no closer to sorting out the direction of salvation than at any time before....I declare we need to reinvent MODESTY FOR ALL WOMEN.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Hot Weather Effects Human Aggression

Hot weather directly effects variables in human aggressive behavior.  This is an old idea.  Shakespeare noted it long ago, and scientists have long studied the various associated factorswith cerebral jargon and statistical charts.  A couple of well rounded studies have been produced by Iowa State University as well.  The entire PDF's are located with one Google Search. The approach the Universities use is sprinkled with grand words, and basic geographical locations close to the USA.

I read a couple of these, however I did not find another finding or another theroy of a broader scope and association to a more obvious phenonmena.  The rise in global temperatures is related to the rise in aggressive human behaviors over all in our local area, meaning the USA.  It is noted that attacks, domestic violence, and murder rates rise when temperatures soar and heat becomes overwheming.  Usually this is during the summer months, when water is low, and indoor cooling systems program our body phisiology to a comfortable temperature.

Without a cool body temperature our body temperatures rise and we become aggitated and our aggressive levels rise.  This seems to happen more often when the outside air becomes parallel with our internal core temperatures and the external air continues to rise.  This is a ordinary seasonal change.  Yet, global warming is increasing the normal ambient outdoor temperatures with yearly increasing rises of hotter air.

People can adjust.  People are not the only entities effected by the rising temperatures.  Things and objects also get hotter,  plants and shrubs and trees absorb more heat, and other animals become increasingly more uncomfortable and reactive.  The earth, the dirt, the sand, the water also heat up.  The warmer water is heating up in and around the coral beds and it is killing the oceans coral beds.  The dirt in the forests is heating up and agitating the ground squirrels, the mice, the insects, and the birds.  The moisture found on the earth surface that sustains animal life, and insect life and plant life is diminishing and the food source of these creatures is becoming more difficult to find.  So the animals are becoming more aggressive.  The plants are drying and dying, further excluding their leaves as a food source for the dependent forest creatures.  People, who are dependent on row crops are watching the diminishing water sources not find their way into the fields, the vineyards, the orchards and the grasses are watching their food disappear before their eyes.  Unfortunately nothing can be done.  Water cannot be diverted if water is not available from streams, rivers, and dams to divert.

Ocean water can be desalinated and used, but most coastal cities are not set up for this type of operation.  Yet!

The diminishing water sources from a rising heat from a globally warming planet is creating more human aggression.  These populations have all been thoughtlessly and carelessly using up the natural resources like they had no end.  Time and over use has proven this as a fallacy.  We are wearing out our home planet, the earth, through careless stewardship it is causing the unseen to become seen:  aggression in places that are showing over heated atmospheric conditions.

The other day I was thinking about where Protests occur...of late in the mines of South Africa,  the in Southern USA, and especially in the Mid East.  Of all the places to find extreme heat, low human to water ratio, little food supplies, rodents and poor health conditions....the Mid-East countries definitely are the places to best observe this phenomena.

Egyption people lived on the River Nile 4,500 years ago and did so because the River supplied food, water and gave them a means to transportation.  Most middle eastern countries do not have access to anything more than ground wells and these we hear are becoming deeper and deeper in the struggle for precious water.

Lately the aggression levels in the Middle East Countries has gotten grossly out of control.  My readings in the news media see the same information repeatedly: politics, religion, and terrorists.  There is never any mention that these multitudes are angry because they do not have water to drink, bath, or wash anything.  They do not mention the difficulty of raising food, without water, or of growing food at all.  They might raise cows, and goats, and these animals might graze off barren fields, eating hot sand...but if the truth is told and global warming is striking in the Middle East, and the people are becoming restive, it is because it is getting to hot for them as well, and they have no where to go.  Death for them is eminent.  Either they die from no water, or they die from starvation, or they die because life has become too hard, and to fight and battle is in the long run the more merciful choice for them.  They protest something and die in battle for the cause.

Americans enjoy the difference by draining a cup of water from their chrome taps, and sip the cool wet, thinking "why do those people always want to fight?"  Martin Luther King protested in the South.  In the south is a level of aggression also not found in the Northern United States.  The difference is weather conditions.  In the North it is cool.  In the South, it is hot and muggy.  In the Southern States is found a greater level of human aggression.  When the populations of New Orleans displaced to Houston, the clash between the two cultures erupted among displaced gangs and the heat spurred onwards a rise in gang aggression.

It does not suprise me that the low water levels and rise in summer temperatures in Yosemite caused the tiny deer mice to develop neural toxins in their fecal matter to fight back against the unknown enemy for their own inter species survival.  Perhaps it might not seem related to anyone but me...but on the surface of it all, species do things that we do not suspect, nor understand in order to merely stay alive.  When the enemy is ultimately people and over population and we are inter connected to our environment and its air, water, and sun systems then time is overdue to rethink our survival strategies.

The middle eastern groups and countries seem to be demonstrating that the way to their salvation is human aggression.  They are fighting the unknown enemy.  Perhaps they do not realize the battle is for water, and food, and human health...instead they are fighting within the giant dragon of fire coming from the mouths of supposed enemies.  Religion and politics are invisible enemies of the people.  Both philosophies are formed by words that disappear in the wind; they are the invisible enemies.  They are the dark ninjas, that come to reap in the dark.  They maintain no form, nor concience.

It appears that war, protests, and aggression are all related, with a small amount of human aggression as being the seed.  That seed of aggression grows into an anger, a spirited and lively discussion, a family dispute, a motivated spurious mob, and into the larger community to form a protest.  Unabated the protest becomes a war.

The aggression I believe is from the hot weather.  Or being over heated about something in our interpersonal life.  It just simply gets unresolved and carried away into the heat of another battle.  It is the individual loss of temper prompted by extreme ansgt.  It is like a spark that ignites a flame and when carried into the wind, following along the ground, spreads until the entire world or some smaller area is ablaze in this untempered sense of human aggression.

Independent murders in a common area where the rise in violence becomes a chartable statistic can be traced to rises in summer temperature.  The obvious commonalitiy in this type of incidence of violence is: the ambient rise in temperature and the irritation it causes people in the area.  The small irritations become large and pretty soon aggression is born from a misturned emotion.  After awhile it spreads from person to person within a given area.

My suggestion is to move North, and stay cool.  And do some of your own research.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Up Graded List

Somewhere in one of the darker corners of the information cycle is a class, with a lesson plan and in that lesson plan some we bit of mind altering information appeared. It read, "englightened management refers to roomskeepers as room attendants, not maids."  The professors of this class claimed that in their studies it was discovered that the term Maid, was demeaning and belittling to the employers who found their occupations under the title of rooms keepers or house keepers.  This is interesting, however apparently the correct terminology has not caught on all around the global hospitality industry.  Imagine that!

The BBC has been circulating the profoundness of the employment of the Servant from the Service Sector of Society.  Housekeepers include a variety of individuals including the cooks, the servors, the waiters, the waitresses, the disher washers, the roomskeepers, the lobby porters, the personal valets, the bell persons, the house persons and if you are not mentioned, check with England.  They seem to have an upper hand on the entire hospitality industry.  It is no reason why.

In the early 800 AD, the Vikings raided and set up their longhouses and when guests came a calling....they invited all inside.  It could be as many as 30 or 40, or it might be 100 or it might be several hundred.  However many were visiting is how many were invited to have supper, and to spend the night or the week or the following several months.  That was the Viking way.   This extreme sense of hospitality became the Hotels we enjoy today.  Blame it on the Celtics...the Vikings of the old days.  Use your imagination of what it would be like to house, feed, and shelter in one longhouse, say a 100 men and women and compare it to our standards of today.

They also had their service staff.  The cooks, the servors, the women who cleaned and made their cloth, their clothes, and kept their houses.  The cheifs had their followers who looked after him and he in return looked all of them.  Discipline was rudimentary:  twice a year or less they went to the Althing and the Lawspeaker attended to any conflicts...weapons were not present.  However once the dispute was settled and everyone went on there way, it became at times open season.  For 800 AD it worked well and these people eventually evolved a legal system that is the basis of our legal system today in America.

Back to the Hospitality Industry.  Modern service industry work is really complicated.  For the most part it is a simple matter of taking care of a building, in parts, and places and pieces and components.  That building can be a house, or an apartment complex, or an office building, or an industrial complex, or a factory, or it could be a tent, or smaller like a car, a garage, or a room.  Althought the function or structure might change to a museum or a hotel or a palace the process of caring for the "property" never really changes.  It has set and established duties.  If you have never taken care of one of anything, you might not realize how complex it can become.  So herewith following is a list of merely cleaning one room, and what is considered or taken into mind:

1.  The air
2.  The ceiling
3. The floor
4. The furnishings
5. The things
6. The Outside
7. The Inside
8. The conditiions
9. The qualities
10. The small components
11. The spots
12. The electronics
13. The lights
14. The fans
15. The vents
16. The plugs
17. The paint
18. The cracks
19. The spots
20. The nicks
21. The windows
22. The shades
23. The curtains.
24. The plants
25.  The vases
26. The waters
27.The adjoining areas
28. The bathroom
29.  The bedspread
30.  The sheets
31. The pillows
32.  The mattresses
33.  The rugs
34.  The couch
35. The seams
36. The tables
37. The chairs
38. The dust
39. The flyspots
40. The spiders
41. The webs
42. The Lamps
43. The magazines
44. Things we use that we need
45. Things we have that we do not need
46.  Things we look at that we ignore
47. The devices of communication
48. The Soaps
49. The wash cloths
50. The shampoo
51. The hand cream
52. The towels
53. The stains
54. The hair
55. The mirror spots
56. The toliet spots
57. The tub spots
58. The flow of humans
59. The out trash
60. The left over dishes
61. The left over food
62. The dust  under things
63.  The dust in the corners
64.  The dust that never goes away
65. The dust in the air that stirs constantly
66. The coming and going of humans
67. The dirty cleaning rags
68. The clean cleaning rags
69. Where it comes from
70. Where it goes
71.  The wardrobe
72. The iron
73. The ironing board
74. The washing
75. The drying
76. The mending
77.The folding
78. The walking
79. The bending
80. The standing
81. The grabbing
82. The pulling
83. The carrying
84. The carrying the weight
85. The hurting feet
86. The pushing
87. The sitting (if ever)
88. The missing of events
89. The times of no rests
90. The watching of others have fun
91. The feeling of being punished, but for what?
92. The stress from others unsatisfied desires
93. The projected conflicts from other peoples lives
94. The reasons why property causes problems
95. Locations of value or naught
96. The view from the window
97. The types and kinds of bed frames
98. The color schemes
99. The arrangements of things within a place
100. The spiritual karma of a location or place.

I could continue, however I am extremely tired and extremely lonely.  Cleaning up after all these spirits who are constantly moving through our atmosphere can become mind boogling complicated.  And i am so tired I cannot think right now.  I am certain there is more things to consider when cleaning up after other people.  Like courtesy and ethics and morality and honesty and dignity and love for life.  But I guess if you had those things you would be the one hiring instead of serving.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

As usual the question:  Do movies depicting violent and destructive content effect the public viewers?  We can always say, it depends on who is watching and the reason they are watching any movie of their choosing.  People watch movies to entertain themselves, feel something, or learn something, or discover a new story about life.  Most folks love to sit and allow their brains to fizz, at least of those who love to sit and watch other people do things that are often unimaginable.  On the other side of this are the folks who love to put stories together and bring art to the public for purposes of entertainment, impressions, change, or making people feel in order for them to become conscious.

Humans have the busiest of brains.  Throughout our lives we are constantly thinking, hearing, seeing, touching, feeling and doing.  When our eyes are open we spend time creating a living stream of visual and audio images.  Where on earth does all that information travel?  It certainly does not stop at the seeing of it.  It certainly does not die.  It must just keep flowing through our systems and our bio-physical processes...but where does it go.  How can the human brain handle so much constant information?  The fact that we humans can do this, in general, all of us, is genius.  It is a quality of life to be deeply respected.  I hold this ability in deep reverence.  Aha!  It is worth fighting for.  Oops, did I write that?  We all  have something to fight for, do we not?

We humans produce our own angst, our own violence, our own desires and needs, and when we become aware of them, we stand up and fight or defend this internal matrix of beliefs.  It is a land of lawlessness within our own brains where we can create our own realities and make things happen according to our own fantasies.  We call them stories.  We find them so fascinating that we make movies out of our thoughts because we want to communicate these flights of fantasy with other individuals.  In some cases the more humans who tag along with us create an army of followers. They scramble and piss on ants in order for the privilege.  They create conflicts, and competition and they fight for the right.  Again, they produce these conflicts inside their own brains.  It is the crush of tension and unresolved conflicts.  It can become violent and destructive.  Conflict is the angst of all great movies.  Conflict is an everpresent driving force of human motivation, although we claim to love peace and harmony more.  And if that is true, why then do we spend more time, energy, and money creating violence, destruction and conflict?  War is a driving force of all civilizations.  It is conflict.  The aftermath is controlled by private opinions and beliefs of opponents, still filled with a desire to win, even though the major historical event is complete, at least in some audio and visual ways.  But it lives on and on and on.  Conflict and competition are never ending stories.

Conflict and competition are the fodder of all good movies.  Without these elements people would be bored silly in a theatre.  Humans are so in need of these elementals that we see a rise in the popularity of 3-D movies.  Why is this?  We can already see a film and hear the drama.  Now we are so needy, it has to jump off the screen and into our laps in order for us to find one hour or two hours of artifical stimulation.  The flat screen our story is seen and known.  The 3-D impression makes us feel more of the action.  We are either extraordinaryily inventive or culturally numb.

Resident Evil portrays our need to wander through different environmental landscapes that are fabrications of the Umbrella Corporation.  They have a major goal in mind, providing Alice with a complex set of scenes that she must escape in order to survive.  We are entertained by observing fantasy within fantasy.  We learn we are given tools to save ourselves, but that we must figure out how to use the tools, and then apply the tools, and ultimately fight our way to escape.  The movie tells us that with extraordinary feats of ingenuity and physical exertion, we will escape.  In the meantime we are lead through visual and audio pathways that introduce us to violence and destruction and the use of our superior powers of dominance and control.  We sit breathless, our minds and emotions engaged in a subliminal battleground,  sucking us into the actions on the screen, until we feel it is happening to us.  It becomes a some level of consciousness, more than a movie.  All movies do this, if they truely engage our attention.  That is a strong impetuous to spend the hard earned money in our pockets in the first place.  We want to go somewhere else in a psuedo time travel experience.

The question the experts are asking now,  like Harvey Weinstein and Quentin Tarentino, and  their panel of experts," is this stuff on screen making us do what we see?"   This issue is  being addressed due to the incident in the Colorado theatre where, during the new Batman Movie,  a man entered the theatre and shot many in the audience.  So, the question became...did the movie and its contents make the man do this?  The experts probably should ask the man.  However, there are many movies that have been created that could potentially have more detrimental content than this.  And we do not know that audience members are going around performing heinious duties and activities from what they have viewed or learned on screen.

Considering the volumnes of content and the volumes of information from all the movies produced over time...we would be in deep conflict  if we acted out or tryed to recreate what we see on screen in real time.  However humans might be filtering out what they see and hear, just like they do in their own slower moving lives.  By watching movies we have learned to filter out information that we can use in a rational sense or information that we will never want to use.

All of the Hostel Series and the Saw Series are painful to watch.  Yet they will leave a viewer with a common positive thought: Think your way through situations, there is a way to the next open door,  and you might win if you persevere, but somethings will be destroyed and some of your companions will die.  This same basic formula exists in all movies.  In 30 First Dates,  Sandler was faced with the same dilemma over and over again.  In this movie it was his emotions that were in conflict, not his body, nor the property.

The lessons to be learned from all movies is this timeless passing of occassions, whereby within our own lives we have to filter information, think our way through situations, open door that are closed, look for escape routes for peaceful negotiations, and resolve or terminate the conflict.  That is it.  It does not matter is you are in Step Up 4,  Mission Impossible, War Horse, The Terminator,  Red Light, The Expendables 2, Thor, The Immortals, The Bachlorette, Lawless, The Black Swan...and on and on with endess titles....The Thin Red Line, or Milk, or ChinaTown, I Am Legend, The Hunger Games.  All provide a steady stream of visual activity and a stream of sound, light and movement and all of that stimulates the cerebral cortex etc. and hopefully raises our levels of consciousness in some way or gives us some much needed modern day stimulus...or alters our perceptions of our own life so that we can function better in our own ADL's.

Watching buildings crumble and fall, like in BattleField or in 2012, or in Transformers shows us and warns us of what could, might, or has happened somewhere and in some way to someone.  The social conflict movies such as the Fast and Furious Series show what the potential is for social conflict in slow moving towns where boredom repeatedly times the day.  These  stories we can find in LA, in Detroit, in Modesto, or Fresno...but they are about people.  Social conflict movies are primarily staged to speed up social conflict stories and create a fast moving happening about social possibilities based on stories of legendary activity surrounding certain populations.  The other former titles demonstrate structures in transition.  Structures that we recognize, like city buildings and transportation, and our own earth...structures that are static and stationary that we humans imagine are permanent.  These movie stories show our ideas of permanence blasted out of our tiny human perceptions of reality.  We comfort ourselves with the knowing or the feeling that our lives, our homes, our gardens will always be here for us.  These movies show us differently.  It is more than emotional shock we feel when we watch the impossible become possible on the screen, like in 2012, where the waters wash over us and the earth opens up and swallows whole cities. This is frightening to contemplate.  And these movies show us events we are unable to grasp in our daily lives.  It will break us out of our egocentric complacency.

More than what we see on screen is what is behind the movies themselves.  It is the people, the writers, the producers, the directors, the scene makers, the film editors, the photographers, the assistants,  the costumers, the make-up artists, the musicians, the graphic designers, and of others and of others, who think about these things and want to communicate messages to the population and get them to wake up.  They also earn a whole lot of money in the process.

To accuse that violence and destruction in movie content is all there is to movieland is erronerous.  Dolph Lundgren's movies all have the use of weapons.  They all have stories.  One has to consider the content of the whole, as opposed to picking on one piece of informationl.  The movies that he has performed in are about "having to struggle to fight or win...and in the end....he wins!"  That is what people do, we just do not as a norm use weapons to win.  The question is, "would the audience exist to watch Dolph walk up to someone and make a peaceful request, and the opponent say, "sure," and that is the end of that scene and on to the next.  I kinda see an empty theatre with that trick.  Movies are about action and action is about motion and movement.

Personally I would love to make a movie.  My movie would be of People Walking.  The content would be just that.  People everywhere walking away, in shorts, in pants, in dresses....every gait and every design of movement, alone, and in groups, in crowds...catching the movement of the human body as it exits a scene...as it shops a store, as it enters a park, as it hurries upstairs, or walks down a fashion runway....I might extend it to include arms swinging, or hand movements, or facial expressions of a thousand different smiles...there are many bits of information about people that movie producers are not using, that are missing from our social documentations, from our life stories....ever since  Oaklahoma, and The Music Man, it has been the end of musicals, which are my favorite type of movie...and Gone With The Wind...we have all top winners of note being movies of violent content and structural destruction....it is possible that these aggressive world views have effected us, and maybe not.

We have been watching.  We have been streaming it through our heads.  It does go somewhere.

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