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Friday, October 12, 2012

Hot Weather Effects Human Aggression

Hot weather directly effects variables in human aggressive behavior.  This is an old idea.  Shakespeare noted it long ago, and scientists have long studied the various associated factorswith cerebral jargon and statistical charts.  A couple of well rounded studies have been produced by Iowa State University as well.  The entire PDF's are located with one Google Search. The approach the Universities use is sprinkled with grand words, and basic geographical locations close to the USA.

I read a couple of these, however I did not find another finding or another theroy of a broader scope and association to a more obvious phenonmena.  The rise in global temperatures is related to the rise in aggressive human behaviors over all in our local area, meaning the USA.  It is noted that attacks, domestic violence, and murder rates rise when temperatures soar and heat becomes overwheming.  Usually this is during the summer months, when water is low, and indoor cooling systems program our body phisiology to a comfortable temperature.

Without a cool body temperature our body temperatures rise and we become aggitated and our aggressive levels rise.  This seems to happen more often when the outside air becomes parallel with our internal core temperatures and the external air continues to rise.  This is a ordinary seasonal change.  Yet, global warming is increasing the normal ambient outdoor temperatures with yearly increasing rises of hotter air.

People can adjust.  People are not the only entities effected by the rising temperatures.  Things and objects also get hotter,  plants and shrubs and trees absorb more heat, and other animals become increasingly more uncomfortable and reactive.  The earth, the dirt, the sand, the water also heat up.  The warmer water is heating up in and around the coral beds and it is killing the oceans coral beds.  The dirt in the forests is heating up and agitating the ground squirrels, the mice, the insects, and the birds.  The moisture found on the earth surface that sustains animal life, and insect life and plant life is diminishing and the food source of these creatures is becoming more difficult to find.  So the animals are becoming more aggressive.  The plants are drying and dying, further excluding their leaves as a food source for the dependent forest creatures.  People, who are dependent on row crops are watching the diminishing water sources not find their way into the fields, the vineyards, the orchards and the grasses are watching their food disappear before their eyes.  Unfortunately nothing can be done.  Water cannot be diverted if water is not available from streams, rivers, and dams to divert.

Ocean water can be desalinated and used, but most coastal cities are not set up for this type of operation.  Yet!

The diminishing water sources from a rising heat from a globally warming planet is creating more human aggression.  These populations have all been thoughtlessly and carelessly using up the natural resources like they had no end.  Time and over use has proven this as a fallacy.  We are wearing out our home planet, the earth, through careless stewardship it is causing the unseen to become seen:  aggression in places that are showing over heated atmospheric conditions.

The other day I was thinking about where Protests occur...of late in the mines of South Africa,  the in Southern USA, and especially in the Mid East.  Of all the places to find extreme heat, low human to water ratio, little food supplies, rodents and poor health conditions....the Mid-East countries definitely are the places to best observe this phenomena.

Egyption people lived on the River Nile 4,500 years ago and did so because the River supplied food, water and gave them a means to transportation.  Most middle eastern countries do not have access to anything more than ground wells and these we hear are becoming deeper and deeper in the struggle for precious water.

Lately the aggression levels in the Middle East Countries has gotten grossly out of control.  My readings in the news media see the same information repeatedly: politics, religion, and terrorists.  There is never any mention that these multitudes are angry because they do not have water to drink, bath, or wash anything.  They do not mention the difficulty of raising food, without water, or of growing food at all.  They might raise cows, and goats, and these animals might graze off barren fields, eating hot sand...but if the truth is told and global warming is striking in the Middle East, and the people are becoming restive, it is because it is getting to hot for them as well, and they have no where to go.  Death for them is eminent.  Either they die from no water, or they die from starvation, or they die because life has become too hard, and to fight and battle is in the long run the more merciful choice for them.  They protest something and die in battle for the cause.

Americans enjoy the difference by draining a cup of water from their chrome taps, and sip the cool wet, thinking "why do those people always want to fight?"  Martin Luther King protested in the South.  In the south is a level of aggression also not found in the Northern United States.  The difference is weather conditions.  In the North it is cool.  In the South, it is hot and muggy.  In the Southern States is found a greater level of human aggression.  When the populations of New Orleans displaced to Houston, the clash between the two cultures erupted among displaced gangs and the heat spurred onwards a rise in gang aggression.

It does not suprise me that the low water levels and rise in summer temperatures in Yosemite caused the tiny deer mice to develop neural toxins in their fecal matter to fight back against the unknown enemy for their own inter species survival.  Perhaps it might not seem related to anyone but me...but on the surface of it all, species do things that we do not suspect, nor understand in order to merely stay alive.  When the enemy is ultimately people and over population and we are inter connected to our environment and its air, water, and sun systems then time is overdue to rethink our survival strategies.

The middle eastern groups and countries seem to be demonstrating that the way to their salvation is human aggression.  They are fighting the unknown enemy.  Perhaps they do not realize the battle is for water, and food, and human health...instead they are fighting within the giant dragon of fire coming from the mouths of supposed enemies.  Religion and politics are invisible enemies of the people.  Both philosophies are formed by words that disappear in the wind; they are the invisible enemies.  They are the dark ninjas, that come to reap in the dark.  They maintain no form, nor concience.

It appears that war, protests, and aggression are all related, with a small amount of human aggression as being the seed.  That seed of aggression grows into an anger, a spirited and lively discussion, a family dispute, a motivated spurious mob, and into the larger community to form a protest.  Unabated the protest becomes a war.

The aggression I believe is from the hot weather.  Or being over heated about something in our interpersonal life.  It just simply gets unresolved and carried away into the heat of another battle.  It is the individual loss of temper prompted by extreme ansgt.  It is like a spark that ignites a flame and when carried into the wind, following along the ground, spreads until the entire world or some smaller area is ablaze in this untempered sense of human aggression.

Independent murders in a common area where the rise in violence becomes a chartable statistic can be traced to rises in summer temperature.  The obvious commonalitiy in this type of incidence of violence is: the ambient rise in temperature and the irritation it causes people in the area.  The small irritations become large and pretty soon aggression is born from a misturned emotion.  After awhile it spreads from person to person within a given area.

My suggestion is to move North, and stay cool.  And do some of your own research.

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