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Monday, January 28, 2013

Changing The Destination Of Our Brains

It is not that video games, cell phones, and electronic gadgets are bad for us.  It is that they are changing our we interact with the world around us.  400 years ago the settlers were all into rifles, ruffles, ripe fruit and repairing their man's genes...the attention span of humanity of that moment was spent and directed to more rudimentary forms of survival.  2013 we are into the complex survival our entire species and we are being directed to do this in a modern way: through the use of quick electronic devices.

When a baby used to become hungry or need its diapers changed, it in this era of development can simply feel hungry or in need of a bowl movement and a sensor directs the urgency to the mother or father in charge of care as to the nature of the need.  The parent then merely appears at the appropriate time and tends to the infant.  The effect of this quick action on the infant and its unawareness of "how it all happened" is where the mental change will occur.  Since timing is everthing, it may make the baby believe that its needs will be served if they have a mental urgency.  Baby's do not know it was the notification of the sensor device to the parents attention that gave the quick response.

It this reliance of electronic devices the answer to our human development?  Since this is the direction humans and the use of our technology has been heading, I believe it is very important.  It is not just babies that are effected by electronic interactions.  We interface with electronics in every facet of our awake and sleeping world today.  If the hum of the electronic voices would cease the silence and the void would be deafening.

Our 24 hour town of perpetual lights and twinkling machines...Las Vegas....the city functions on electronic energy...it is what makes the city of  Las Vegas so amazing...the town is a hybrid of growth in the field of electronics.  If all of the electric places were to go back to functioning on labor our Destination of Choice would regress civilized humans advancement in technology.

Digital games help those who play intensely eye to hand co-ordination.  Groups of people who globally participate in online gaming with same time playing experiences on a global level...are developing a whole new concept of consicousness experience and the understanding of cerebral play.  Movies dish out stories that are far beyond our own experiences and we flock to see these movies to up the quality of our lives.  Sensors are everywhere and constantly monitering our existance, our movements, and the behaviors we perform inform as to the thoughts we think.

I am a huge fan of all this development and all the newest electronic invention.  I personally love them.  I do not know how to build them.  I do not know how to make them work...other than following the manufacturers instructions, and I do not know the math that makes a device signal another device...I just enjoy the convenience the assesibily to communication.  We can think in our heads and not move a thought...or we can share our universal delights with other members of our community.  I chose the latter method.  How about you?

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