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Saturday, January 26, 2013

Why Are They ... Doing These Things?

From here to there and back again.  That is what everything does.  It goes from one point to another point and if there is no interference it makes it back again.  Spend our entire lives doing this in some way or another.  We reach out and then we pull back.  We walk forward and then we turn and return to where we came from.  Our food goes in and it goes out!  We drink water and it evaporates.  We gas our cars and it travels through the emissions system and returns as vapors to the air.  We build it up and we break it down.  We pick up a book and read it and then put it back on the shelf.  From our house we go to the market and then we return home and cook what we bought.  We are born into this world from our Mother's womb and we run hither, thither and yon...when we are done...we give up and return to the ether world.

This set of railroad tracks helped put America together.  It is build of metal rails and wooden rail ties.  The railroad ties were brought from the vast resources of hardwood trees in America.  However as the ties wear out they have to be replaced.  The woods are being replaced with more plentiful other substances.  This is occuring because our trees are getting in shorter demand.  People have been cutting and chipping away at our National Forest Reserves at a rapid rate.  The forests do not develop as fast as the demand is consuming the trees.  Americans are tree eaters.  For the fact:  the world is a tree eater.   Americans use wood in every facet of their lives.

Trees grow from tiny seeds and consume the water, the minerals in the soil and other nutrients and the air around them.  They grow and create leaves, bark and most importantly WOOD.  People use the wood in their everyday life.  Wood is used in cars, in kitchens, cabinets, furniture of all kinds and shapes and in house building, and many other extensive uses, like boxes, and of course, railroad ties.  We have depended heavily on the use of wood in our daily lives.  We burn it our fireplaces.  We use it up at virtually a faster rate than it develops and the terrible tradgedy is that we do not plant as many seeds of trees as we do, in deforesting the land, the trees habitate...grow on.  Trees require years and years to grow into strong sturdy wood bearing producers.  Once the tree is mature and it is harvested...it is go onto  its other tasks...becoming something different and helping mankind with its functions.  Eventually the tree goes from here to there and back again.

The early colonist chopped down the fear laden forests because they were dark and mysterious and fast and held hidden dangers, like wild animals and even yet more fearful...wilder people.  Early Europeans were afaid of the deep dark and hidden dangers of the forests.  American Colonists were frightened of the things they could not see in the forests...the forest monstors.  So...they started to chop down the trees and put the trees to use.  The trees became one of mans best friends over the years and the  many functions of tree wood became apparent, such as bows and arrows, spears, the hilts of swords, halbards on horses backs, wagons, and wheels, and sleighs, and beams for houses and fences to keep people in and keep people out.  The colonists continued exploring the multiuses of wood: boats, and more boats from before and during the moment of now.  Houses and more wagons and carriages and more gun stocks and signs, and roofs...wood is an amazing commodity.  Humans of then gobbled the wood of the forests, way better than termites or other infestations.

The forests of modern day have been depleted, and not replaced.  Because the vegetation is gone that held the land in tack and when the waters from rain come down...there is nothing to drink the waters, nor hold the waters from swelling and so we have gigantic modern floods that rush away and take all in its path.  The trees that used to drink the waters,  and fill the tree trunks and hold the waters from rising are gone.  The flimsy houses that stand in the same paths where the trees used to be, do not hold the great flood waters.  They do not drink the water.  Their foundations are no match for the power of the water.

Trees are functional and important tools of the Universe.  They hold water, they hold the land and the soil, and they help to keep our air clean, not to mention that trees are the homes of birds, fungus, insects, squirrels, chipmunks, raccoons, and beneath their weighty boughs we find shade for the other creatures...humans, fox, bear, deer, coyote, wolf, bobcat, cougar and so on.  It all depends on the location of your particular forest.  Yet mankind in its progressive reaches tends to harbor savage aggressive tendencies, which do not put limits of the benign trees.  Trees in all territories are our friends and more importantly are our co-workers in the universe.  The society of trees is a friend of the society of humankind.  Modern people who live in bricks and mortar building and glass and plastic cannot readily grasp this idea...they are far removed from the importance of trees...until they feel the effects of their silence, and still absence.

My perception of the desert is a treeless, barren appearing sandy landmass.  The deserts contain little water, little shade, and since trees barely exist...no natural resources for the building of some types of necessities, such as furniture.  Imported woods have to be gotten.  Imported woods are expensive because of the travel distance and other factors of due consideration.  One of them is the weight of wood.  If a country needs wood to build its cities, it needs some means of transportation to get the wood from here to there and the transportation back again.  However the means of transportation requires extremely sound and sturdy equipment.  The equipment can be made of metal or it can be made of wood.  Modern metal manufacturing requires heat that either comes from steam, i.e. water, or electricity, i.e. water, or wood...which again requires water to grow.  Now we can simply see and understand that wood requires water.

In a desert, water is in shorter supply than say up in Canada, or America, or the Rainforests of the Amazon, or the Rainforests of other areas.  The people are eating away the vegetation that is keeping the waters from running amuck...in some areas....in the desert their is little water.  People cannot live without water, nor food.  Food requires water to stay alive.  Civilizations and societies without water will fight, not only for their basic survival needs, but for the supplies they are being deprived of to stay alive.  So i ask the question, "why are they always fighting in the desert countries?"  It does not ever appear to be, who is right or who is wrong.  They are always engaged in battles. The press blames it on politics or religion.  I do not believe that it is either.

Religion is a basic tenant of every society.  It is a directive that manifests itself in creating better and hopefully more productive and peaceful lives based around a viable philosophy of life for a group of people....it is a system of living that keeps them and their progeny alive.  In some forms it teaches people to be morally stronger or more resistant to change or to certain imposed codes of behavior that keep tribes, or groups, or families firmly intact.  These social forces come in contact with other opposing forces and tensions are created and conflicts occur.  The pain and suffering of humanity long bears witness to tensions, conflicts, battles, wars, and inter species violence.

Take away water or food from any culture...and we see what happens in towns and cities in the middle eastern desert countries.  They fight for their need to survive and maintain their family integrity.  Take away the guns and contraband from inside a prison system and we see people dying in order to keep what they believe to be their links to survival.  This is not a discussion on what is right or what is wrong.  It is a discussion on the basic tenants of human survival: water and food and defenses.  In the last few months we have been hearing more and more about explosives situations and people sacrifiing their own lives in order for their groups of members to stay alive.

Water must be scarce.  Food must be hard to get.  Suffering must be extreme. Means of defending oneself extraordinary...and the shame of it all is the great abundance of plenty that abounds for some and the extreme deprivation of others who are kept at bay from having normal sustenance on a daily basis.  The wealthy or the havers...will follow the same fate as the havenots...yet they are afraid to suffer in the same way they force the havenots to suffer.  The agrument for $tatus is always the $ame.

Who among us will offer water?  Who among us will offer Food?   Who among us will save our Natural Resources and share the vast forests of green dollar abundance equitably?

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