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Wednesday, January 23, 2013

High to Low Valley and Back.

Consider the variation in elevation: from 4,000 feet to 300 feet...a drop so gradual you hardly feel it.  However it is not the elevation that is important but rather the visual content of the exposed environment.  Visual content effects our thinking perhaps more than we realize.  What we see is what we dwell upon.  It can give us the pattern of our lives and direct our future behavior.  A social community that spends its time in the mountains has a different world view from the low valley folk just because of the visual impact of the surrounding trees, forests, grasses, rivers and rocks or hills or mountains or animals.  If we live in an area of four seasons, we have a different sense of the year as it changes from one season to the next.  I dare  say we do  not even give it much thought.  We accept it and move with it.  We feel the weather as we go through the yearly paces, enjoying the cold and snow of winter, the chirping birds of spring, the greeniest greens of summer and the flashing leaves of yellows and golds and  reds of autumn and fall.

With all this organics of nature afloat around us it is easy to be impacted by the wood and the leaves of trees, and the grasses of the glades, and the scratchy underbrush of scub oaks, the boiling and blowing waters gushing from off the cliffs...because that is all we see our thoughts turn to nature.  Our brains turn to patterns of nature.  We absorb the spaces in the air filled with branches.  We begin to learn all the movements of the wind in the leaves.  We begin to observe more closely the grand variety of shapes around us...the shapes of the leaves as  they climb skyward.  We become to know them as the are   spring green in there early stages and get darker and darker as they mature and eventually we see them careen toward decadence and extinction, when they crumble brown and fulfilled, their purpose in life complete; done they drop like floating seashells in water to the ground, where they give all that is left up to the earth.

The rocks all around stand sturdy and strong.  Unbending they rise meeting the sky and our eyes celebrate this journey upward as we read the lines and look for writings in the rocks.  Nature brings us certain signs, whether from our own cerebral creations or something new that is formed and jumps out, speaking to us.  These rocks are solid, and what lives on them is mosses and more trees and more clinging bushes...and folks with climbing gear that care to climb them...who love to stare upward and then stare downward, I am certain hoping to view some new sight or spot something they have not noticed as yet.

All we have to look at in the High Valley is trees, rocks and valley floor,  sometimes we can catch a Raven in flight, or a Mule Deer slipping through the forest...people, a few, but we are not really watching people.  People are small compared to the natural wonders of the mountains and forests and stretches of ecological vistas.

The point is: we are what we surround ourselves with.  I do believe we think like that which creates the greatest impact within our visual limits.  And again I repeat: the forests, the sky, the rocks, and anything else that is in this world.

Compare the mountain vistas to the Low Valley sights...streets of the city, millions of cars always mobile, buildings of stacked concrete with windows, and stretches of square type houses lined up along more streets.  And inside some places, lots of people, like leaves on a tree.  The social community is jamming with activitiy.  People are bustling everywhere.  We can see them eating, laughing, talking, looking, walking, buying, examining, in many stages of emotion and movement.  People are not static.  They are alive and abundant as a forest amidst the tall granite cliffs...and they are inside the rocks.  Inside the large caverns of once empty space and now full of human bodies and brains.

I doubt that they see what is going on.  They are engaged in the drama of their own existance and their own beauty and their own ambitions and appearances.  People are living this dream, that is not a dream...it is their life.  But if you compare it to the purity of a natural occuring forest, river or streams....it is not the same realization.  It is not the same locus of intent.

Nothing in nature really rushes by, except water wherever it is running...like cars.  Cars are bursting with stops and starts and roaring along the canyons of buildings, emitting gases and making sounds, and in a way are the new modern dinosaurs...our cyberfriends.  We cannot reach tommorrow without transportation.  However we do have alternative pathways...walking, running, bicycling, boats, airplanes, trains, and of course cars.  Cars are our favorites by the great numbers of them around.  They are accessible.  In the mountains we can hike.  Fly? Drive on limited roads.  Soar through the air?    The idea is that in cities we use different types of transportation and it is reliable for our needs.  Its possession and use is unique to our needs.  I love cars.  I just wish they flew through the air, are submersible, and perform 360 twists in the air....correcting themselves with their own interstellar gyroscopes.

Society is making it happen.  Whether for good or for bad...something is going on within the minds of humans everywhere.  Some are catching up, some do not get the changes, some are flying way ahead of everyone else, leading us onward making giant leaps in socialization.  People are crossing languages like new strains of plants....we are hybridizing our own genetics without help from labs.  We are inventing amazing things from the 4 elements: air, fire, water and earth.  How can it be?

What we provide in the High Valley are the resources for the modern creations in the Low Valley.  This simplicity of thinking however is lost on the complexity of thriving society.  They tend to forget the connection of the simple to the complex.  From the single cell to the over powering universal matrix.  Society tends to get lost and forget of maintaining an attitude of gratitude for the things they had no power to create....our lives are all gifts from the universe.  We pop out of the birth canal bursting forth with baby wails and baby songs...breathing.  We poop, we pee, we eat, we grow...naturally.  We function properly and more amazing is that our brains work.  Some better than others...sorry the system has not been perfected yet?  From waving stems of grasses to mountains high, bearing streams...it all works.  We are influenced by the great impact of our living experiences.  Hopefully we help each other keep it together with grace, mercy, understanding and love.

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