What would you like to know more about Yosemite?

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Monday, January 28, 2013

Changing The Destination Of Our Brains

It is not that video games, cell phones, and electronic gadgets are bad for us.  It is that they are changing our we interact with the world around us.  400 years ago the settlers were all into rifles, ruffles, ripe fruit and repairing their man's genes...the attention span of humanity of that moment was spent and directed to more rudimentary forms of survival.  2013 we are into the complex survival our entire species and we are being directed to do this in a modern way: through the use of quick electronic devices.

When a baby used to become hungry or need its diapers changed, it in this era of development can simply feel hungry or in need of a bowl movement and a sensor directs the urgency to the mother or father in charge of care as to the nature of the need.  The parent then merely appears at the appropriate time and tends to the infant.  The effect of this quick action on the infant and its unawareness of "how it all happened" is where the mental change will occur.  Since timing is everthing, it may make the baby believe that its needs will be served if they have a mental urgency.  Baby's do not know it was the notification of the sensor device to the parents attention that gave the quick response.

It this reliance of electronic devices the answer to our human development?  Since this is the direction humans and the use of our technology has been heading, I believe it is very important.  It is not just babies that are effected by electronic interactions.  We interface with electronics in every facet of our awake and sleeping world today.  If the hum of the electronic voices would cease the silence and the void would be deafening.

Our 24 hour town of perpetual lights and twinkling machines...Las Vegas....the city functions on electronic energy...it is what makes the city of  Las Vegas so amazing...the town is a hybrid of growth in the field of electronics.  If all of the electric places were to go back to functioning on labor our Destination of Choice would regress civilized humans advancement in technology.

Digital games help those who play intensely eye to hand co-ordination.  Groups of people who globally participate in online gaming with same time playing experiences on a global level...are developing a whole new concept of consicousness experience and the understanding of cerebral play.  Movies dish out stories that are far beyond our own experiences and we flock to see these movies to up the quality of our lives.  Sensors are everywhere and constantly monitering our existance, our movements, and the behaviors we perform inform as to the thoughts we think.

I am a huge fan of all this development and all the newest electronic invention.  I personally love them.  I do not know how to build them.  I do not know how to make them work...other than following the manufacturers instructions, and I do not know the math that makes a device signal another device...I just enjoy the convenience the assesibily to communication.  We can think in our heads and not move a thought...or we can share our universal delights with other members of our community.  I chose the latter method.  How about you?

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Why Are They ... Doing These Things?

From here to there and back again.  That is what everything does.  It goes from one point to another point and if there is no interference it makes it back again.  Spend our entire lives doing this in some way or another.  We reach out and then we pull back.  We walk forward and then we turn and return to where we came from.  Our food goes in and it goes out!  We drink water and it evaporates.  We gas our cars and it travels through the emissions system and returns as vapors to the air.  We build it up and we break it down.  We pick up a book and read it and then put it back on the shelf.  From our house we go to the market and then we return home and cook what we bought.  We are born into this world from our Mother's womb and we run hither, thither and yon...when we are done...we give up and return to the ether world.

This set of railroad tracks helped put America together.  It is build of metal rails and wooden rail ties.  The railroad ties were brought from the vast resources of hardwood trees in America.  However as the ties wear out they have to be replaced.  The woods are being replaced with more plentiful other substances.  This is occuring because our trees are getting in shorter demand.  People have been cutting and chipping away at our National Forest Reserves at a rapid rate.  The forests do not develop as fast as the demand is consuming the trees.  Americans are tree eaters.  For the fact:  the world is a tree eater.   Americans use wood in every facet of their lives.

Trees grow from tiny seeds and consume the water, the minerals in the soil and other nutrients and the air around them.  They grow and create leaves, bark and most importantly WOOD.  People use the wood in their everyday life.  Wood is used in cars, in kitchens, cabinets, furniture of all kinds and shapes and in house building, and many other extensive uses, like boxes, and of course, railroad ties.  We have depended heavily on the use of wood in our daily lives.  We burn it our fireplaces.  We use it up at virtually a faster rate than it develops and the terrible tradgedy is that we do not plant as many seeds of trees as we do, in deforesting the land, the trees habitate...grow on.  Trees require years and years to grow into strong sturdy wood bearing producers.  Once the tree is mature and it is harvested...it is go onto  its other tasks...becoming something different and helping mankind with its functions.  Eventually the tree goes from here to there and back again.

The early colonist chopped down the fear laden forests because they were dark and mysterious and fast and held hidden dangers, like wild animals and even yet more fearful...wilder people.  Early Europeans were afaid of the deep dark and hidden dangers of the forests.  American Colonists were frightened of the things they could not see in the forests...the forest monstors.  So...they started to chop down the trees and put the trees to use.  The trees became one of mans best friends over the years and the  many functions of tree wood became apparent, such as bows and arrows, spears, the hilts of swords, halbards on horses backs, wagons, and wheels, and sleighs, and beams for houses and fences to keep people in and keep people out.  The colonists continued exploring the multiuses of wood: boats, and more boats from before and during the moment of now.  Houses and more wagons and carriages and more gun stocks and signs, and roofs...wood is an amazing commodity.  Humans of then gobbled the wood of the forests, way better than termites or other infestations.

The forests of modern day have been depleted, and not replaced.  Because the vegetation is gone that held the land in tack and when the waters from rain come down...there is nothing to drink the waters, nor hold the waters from swelling and so we have gigantic modern floods that rush away and take all in its path.  The trees that used to drink the waters,  and fill the tree trunks and hold the waters from rising are gone.  The flimsy houses that stand in the same paths where the trees used to be, do not hold the great flood waters.  They do not drink the water.  Their foundations are no match for the power of the water.

Trees are functional and important tools of the Universe.  They hold water, they hold the land and the soil, and they help to keep our air clean, not to mention that trees are the homes of birds, fungus, insects, squirrels, chipmunks, raccoons, and beneath their weighty boughs we find shade for the other creatures...humans, fox, bear, deer, coyote, wolf, bobcat, cougar and so on.  It all depends on the location of your particular forest.  Yet mankind in its progressive reaches tends to harbor savage aggressive tendencies, which do not put limits of the benign trees.  Trees in all territories are our friends and more importantly are our co-workers in the universe.  The society of trees is a friend of the society of humankind.  Modern people who live in bricks and mortar building and glass and plastic cannot readily grasp this idea...they are far removed from the importance of trees...until they feel the effects of their silence, and still absence.

My perception of the desert is a treeless, barren appearing sandy landmass.  The deserts contain little water, little shade, and since trees barely exist...no natural resources for the building of some types of necessities, such as furniture.  Imported woods have to be gotten.  Imported woods are expensive because of the travel distance and other factors of due consideration.  One of them is the weight of wood.  If a country needs wood to build its cities, it needs some means of transportation to get the wood from here to there and the transportation back again.  However the means of transportation requires extremely sound and sturdy equipment.  The equipment can be made of metal or it can be made of wood.  Modern metal manufacturing requires heat that either comes from steam, i.e. water, or electricity, i.e. water, or wood...which again requires water to grow.  Now we can simply see and understand that wood requires water.

In a desert, water is in shorter supply than say up in Canada, or America, or the Rainforests of the Amazon, or the Rainforests of other areas.  The people are eating away the vegetation that is keeping the waters from running amuck...in some areas....in the desert their is little water.  People cannot live without water, nor food.  Food requires water to stay alive.  Civilizations and societies without water will fight, not only for their basic survival needs, but for the supplies they are being deprived of to stay alive.  So i ask the question, "why are they always fighting in the desert countries?"  It does not ever appear to be, who is right or who is wrong.  They are always engaged in battles. The press blames it on politics or religion.  I do not believe that it is either.

Religion is a basic tenant of every society.  It is a directive that manifests itself in creating better and hopefully more productive and peaceful lives based around a viable philosophy of life for a group of people....it is a system of living that keeps them and their progeny alive.  In some forms it teaches people to be morally stronger or more resistant to change or to certain imposed codes of behavior that keep tribes, or groups, or families firmly intact.  These social forces come in contact with other opposing forces and tensions are created and conflicts occur.  The pain and suffering of humanity long bears witness to tensions, conflicts, battles, wars, and inter species violence.

Take away water or food from any culture...and we see what happens in towns and cities in the middle eastern desert countries.  They fight for their need to survive and maintain their family integrity.  Take away the guns and contraband from inside a prison system and we see people dying in order to keep what they believe to be their links to survival.  This is not a discussion on what is right or what is wrong.  It is a discussion on the basic tenants of human survival: water and food and defenses.  In the last few months we have been hearing more and more about explosives situations and people sacrifiing their own lives in order for their groups of members to stay alive.

Water must be scarce.  Food must be hard to get.  Suffering must be extreme. Means of defending oneself extraordinary...and the shame of it all is the great abundance of plenty that abounds for some and the extreme deprivation of others who are kept at bay from having normal sustenance on a daily basis.  The wealthy or the havers...will follow the same fate as the havenots...yet they are afraid to suffer in the same way they force the havenots to suffer.  The agrument for $tatus is always the $ame.

Who among us will offer water?  Who among us will offer Food?   Who among us will save our Natural Resources and share the vast forests of green dollar abundance equitably?

Movie Night

So...I should say something about these little diminutive paw prints in the snow...but the snow is gone and long gone are the animal tracks that left them and the animal...probably a busy raccoon wandering around in search of a seed or two.  But no i am thinking more about something else...like movies.  I love movies and watch them every night.

The paradox about movies however is that movies are providing the action and i am the one not moving...I am sitting still in a passive state...yet the movie is all over the screen bursting out of the container.  This is interesting.  My body is perfectly still and yet my mind is engaged in all kinds of action from the story on the screen.  My brain is all over the place.  I can not keep it still.  It is feeling the emotions and watching the actions, whatever they may be in the film.  I might be flying in a plane or speeding along in a racing car, or bouncing on the back of a wild camel ride.  I could be chasing my lover down a busy street, or swimming in shark infested waters...my life for 120 minutes is guarantee not to be boring...and I am definitely busy....my mind is a buzz with activity.

Check it out.  My mind is abuzz with activity, but not my body.  My body is strapped in the cock pit, unmoving, immobile and not going anywhere.  When you think about it movies put us in an abnormal state of being.  One part of our body, our mind is busy and the other part of our body, the body itself is stone still.  This certainly must have an effect on humans, in the past, in the present or in the future; it has to have an effect on humans.

Maybe we are like those raccoon paw prints...frozen in time on the snow...they tell us that something was there, but now is not there, and yet we know there was some kind of activity at one time.  Those little paw prints are representation of activity, motion, the recorded movie of the animal.

On the other side of this paradox is the people who are in the film.  Their bodies are in motion, but I think their minds are not in sink with the activity in the story.  They are pretending to be what we see, but that is not really what their minds are about.  They are like dislocated characters.  There bodies are being used to tell a story...and their minds are irrelevant, except for the portion of their minds that are used for motion, or the expression of a few lines of prescripted words.  These people take their real lives out of the context of their normal reality and give it up for a few fleeting moments on recorded film.

The audiences idea of these actors and actresses, certainly is not the same as the self concepts that the actors and actresses feel about themselves.  We arrive at our conscious destination with bits and pieces of personalities and characters all split up into time, and film and pretense.

The effect of this has a social impact on the public viewers and the question is: who is responsible for the social impact or the consequences of our various interpretations of our perceptions of the story and the characters we veiw in the movies.   A movie moves us...but how?  What happens to all that filmed information that slides on through our brains?  Where does it go and what happens to the experiences that we have watched while we were sitting still and our brains were engaged in all the motion on the screen?

Do we become different if we do not sit and watch a movie?  What happens?  Do we become the movie?  Do we become active in our own stories and suddenly regard our own lives as important or more interesting than the action we watch on the screen?  So if I stop watching movies, do I go watch something else?  Or do I find an activity that now engages my brain and my body and makes me feel alive?

Movie watching is a passive sport, at least for our own bodies.  If the movie has lots of action and our brains are feeding on all the stimulation it might be that we need a more exciting life style and perhaps we seek out visual entertainment that makes us feel more active, or alive, or vital or knowledgeable, or in the case of comedies...a happier person.

Some of us may have very ordinary and routine lives.  Movies offer variety on many different need levels, such as a boon to our emotions, or an inspiration to our hearts, or other adventures of our brain contents, be whatever they may be.  We should realize there are many more folks around that watch movies than perform in them.  I dare say that some people are leading more active lives and from this concept we draw our social heros.  We follow one or two people like shop lizards.  The few represent the many by the rest of us.  In this regard we fail to understand the greater variety all around us, and allow the few to dictate our desires, our fashions, our tastes, our lifestyles, our music, or our thinking and feeling.

Movies are fun, however we should not get lost in their content to the loss of our own wonderful lives.  Our value in our own human worth is of utmost importance and hopefully we will remember who we are, after The End has flashed on the screen and the last film credits have been read.  I still love movies, but I still need to move.

Friday, January 25, 2013

A Tisket A Tasket Produces A Basket

Walking past this large woven basket is an occassional experience for many folks.  It could be here or it could be there.  For certain it is protected in a large plastic box that helps to keep the air currents from adding decadent particles and movement to the surface of the delicate intricately woven basket circumference.  This basket may have taken at least a year to construct or more.  It is carefully woven out of the fibers of local branches of surrounding trees.  Usually the darker color is from the RedBud tree.  Not always however.

I have sat on more than a few occassions, with Julia Parker who weaves in the Native American Museum in Yosemite National Park.  Her work is time consuming and requires great patience and digital dexterity, in order to weave the fibers of the tree threads in and out among the stronger sturdier basket stays...the pieces that support the warp and weft of the fiber threads.  It requires tight manipulation of the fibers to make a basket to look similar to the one above.  I tried it one time and my construction looked as wiggly as the Merced River Waters, and afterward my fingers hurt.  That was the end of my basket weaving day.

For the native Americans it was not a one time moment attempt at craft deliverance...the baskets were created individually for special functions.  Some baskets were for holding, some for decorating, some for carrying special things, like grasses, or acorns, or fruits, or nuts, or berries, or children or water.  Some were used for cooking...although I am not certain how that one worked.   Some baskets were used for storing things and some just wore out and were cast off...some have lasted for hundreds of years, like the one pictured above.

Above the larger one is several smaller versions.  These are all ancient works of art and are located in the National Historic Hotel, the Ahwahnee, located at One Ahwahnee Way in Yosemite National Park, California.  Come take a look.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

High to Low Valley and Back.

Consider the variation in elevation: from 4,000 feet to 300 feet...a drop so gradual you hardly feel it.  However it is not the elevation that is important but rather the visual content of the exposed environment.  Visual content effects our thinking perhaps more than we realize.  What we see is what we dwell upon.  It can give us the pattern of our lives and direct our future behavior.  A social community that spends its time in the mountains has a different world view from the low valley folk just because of the visual impact of the surrounding trees, forests, grasses, rivers and rocks or hills or mountains or animals.  If we live in an area of four seasons, we have a different sense of the year as it changes from one season to the next.  I dare  say we do  not even give it much thought.  We accept it and move with it.  We feel the weather as we go through the yearly paces, enjoying the cold and snow of winter, the chirping birds of spring, the greeniest greens of summer and the flashing leaves of yellows and golds and  reds of autumn and fall.

With all this organics of nature afloat around us it is easy to be impacted by the wood and the leaves of trees, and the grasses of the glades, and the scratchy underbrush of scub oaks, the boiling and blowing waters gushing from off the cliffs...because that is all we see our thoughts turn to nature.  Our brains turn to patterns of nature.  We absorb the spaces in the air filled with branches.  We begin to learn all the movements of the wind in the leaves.  We begin to observe more closely the grand variety of shapes around us...the shapes of the leaves as  they climb skyward.  We become to know them as the are   spring green in there early stages and get darker and darker as they mature and eventually we see them careen toward decadence and extinction, when they crumble brown and fulfilled, their purpose in life complete; done they drop like floating seashells in water to the ground, where they give all that is left up to the earth.

The rocks all around stand sturdy and strong.  Unbending they rise meeting the sky and our eyes celebrate this journey upward as we read the lines and look for writings in the rocks.  Nature brings us certain signs, whether from our own cerebral creations or something new that is formed and jumps out, speaking to us.  These rocks are solid, and what lives on them is mosses and more trees and more clinging bushes...and folks with climbing gear that care to climb them...who love to stare upward and then stare downward, I am certain hoping to view some new sight or spot something they have not noticed as yet.

All we have to look at in the High Valley is trees, rocks and valley floor,  sometimes we can catch a Raven in flight, or a Mule Deer slipping through the forest...people, a few, but we are not really watching people.  People are small compared to the natural wonders of the mountains and forests and stretches of ecological vistas.

The point is: we are what we surround ourselves with.  I do believe we think like that which creates the greatest impact within our visual limits.  And again I repeat: the forests, the sky, the rocks, and anything else that is in this world.

Compare the mountain vistas to the Low Valley sights...streets of the city, millions of cars always mobile, buildings of stacked concrete with windows, and stretches of square type houses lined up along more streets.  And inside some places, lots of people, like leaves on a tree.  The social community is jamming with activitiy.  People are bustling everywhere.  We can see them eating, laughing, talking, looking, walking, buying, examining, in many stages of emotion and movement.  People are not static.  They are alive and abundant as a forest amidst the tall granite cliffs...and they are inside the rocks.  Inside the large caverns of once empty space and now full of human bodies and brains.

I doubt that they see what is going on.  They are engaged in the drama of their own existance and their own beauty and their own ambitions and appearances.  People are living this dream, that is not a dream...it is their life.  But if you compare it to the purity of a natural occuring forest, river or streams....it is not the same realization.  It is not the same locus of intent.

Nothing in nature really rushes by, except water wherever it is running...like cars.  Cars are bursting with stops and starts and roaring along the canyons of buildings, emitting gases and making sounds, and in a way are the new modern dinosaurs...our cyberfriends.  We cannot reach tommorrow without transportation.  However we do have alternative pathways...walking, running, bicycling, boats, airplanes, trains, and of course cars.  Cars are our favorites by the great numbers of them around.  They are accessible.  In the mountains we can hike.  Fly? Drive on limited roads.  Soar through the air?    The idea is that in cities we use different types of transportation and it is reliable for our needs.  Its possession and use is unique to our needs.  I love cars.  I just wish they flew through the air, are submersible, and perform 360 twists in the air....correcting themselves with their own interstellar gyroscopes.

Society is making it happen.  Whether for good or for bad...something is going on within the minds of humans everywhere.  Some are catching up, some do not get the changes, some are flying way ahead of everyone else, leading us onward making giant leaps in socialization.  People are crossing languages like new strains of plants....we are hybridizing our own genetics without help from labs.  We are inventing amazing things from the 4 elements: air, fire, water and earth.  How can it be?

What we provide in the High Valley are the resources for the modern creations in the Low Valley.  This simplicity of thinking however is lost on the complexity of thriving society.  They tend to forget the connection of the simple to the complex.  From the single cell to the over powering universal matrix.  Society tends to get lost and forget of maintaining an attitude of gratitude for the things they had no power to create....our lives are all gifts from the universe.  We pop out of the birth canal bursting forth with baby wails and baby songs...breathing.  We poop, we pee, we eat, we grow...naturally.  We function properly and more amazing is that our brains work.  Some better than others...sorry the system has not been perfected yet?  From waving stems of grasses to mountains high, bearing streams...it all works.  We are influenced by the great impact of our living experiences.  Hopefully we help each other keep it together with grace, mercy, understanding and love.

Saturday, October 13, 2012


Singer Songwriter Keith Harkin tweeted a picture of a young woman standing in a hallway with two fully clothed young men.  They were banging on a door.  The young woman was wearing  a thong string bikini.  Her full backside flopped out like meal time mashed potatoes.  Looking at the image made me grimace and not because I am a prude, or dislike disrobed images of the female form:  she was no modest.

The young artist did not explain his photographic intentions, the picture was just that, no opinion, just a flat: mm mm. Another what do you think type of snapshot.  The way the image was posed got me to thinking about things of long ago, when female modesty was a desired characteristic of female comportment.  Today is the year 2012 and the bad thing is, modesty among women has all but disappeared and taken a turn toward the outlandishly immodest apparel possible and in the most opportunistic and often important of positions.

You might believe women in positions of prominence and power would wield their physical beauty with dignity, grace, composure, and above all modesty.  What I notice is the complete lack of understanding of the word modesty as they flaunt their screaming skin beneath the tightest of polyester pants and blouses that put sonar tracks to the lowest portions of the ocean exposing erupting mounds of lava hills.
I truly wonder what has become of the dignity and modesty that used to be the grand domain of female elegance and beauty.

I will say if you have fat, do not flaunt it to the mounts of moons.  Curves can be proportionate and beautiful, but they do not have to be paraded around and used in positioning power politics for manipulative purposes.  Women are tripping if they thin overly tight and overly low  GCD (Garments, Clothing, Dress) make them more attractive other than to their own self aggrandized pornographic images in their own mirrors.

In certain neighborhoods we do observe women who wear the tightest if jeans, and the tightest of blouses and the lowest of designs...when they walk they look like organic low-riders at a rhythmic bounce.  The question is, what is the mechanics of this process:  "I can wear whatever I want?"  Or is it, "I am hot!"  Or is it: "What you see is what you get...and you can see all of me!"  I am certain whatever the reason it makes sense to the immodest ideals of the sports that wear whatever they want, whenever they want.

Personally I feel the lose of female feminine modesty is a lose for all women.

Women have a duty to care about how they appear, not only in public, but within the privacy of their family home.  Women carry the legacy of modest appearance.  It is demur, dignified, grace filled, lovely, and brings a joy of reverence and respect to those graced with the presence of a modest caring woman.  Women are born with this responsibility.  Various societies plow under these delicate social ideals.
Women grow bitter, and give up the beauty in order to survive.  I believe modesty helps them to survive.

Some family situations force women to become undignified, hardened to their natural beauty, and because of man's desire they are forced to flaunt their bodies in undignified ways to appease the desires of men.  Some men on the other hand love women who wear modest deportment and respect their position in a culture.

Either way modesty is choice.  And that choice is being lost because women are confused as to how to dress.  Lost as how to walk.  Lost as how to consider themselves in the light of all their modern duties.  Do they roll em up, pull em down, wear em  short, wear em long, buy it skin tight, make it loose,  wrap it, tie it, belt it, or burn all the old clothes and buy a new wardrobe!  We are a style crazed, garment bulged social structure, composed of women who have lost the focus of the meaning of femininity and modest dress.

The biking cycle culture has to have it all skin tight.  The rock climbers and to peel down to the bear minimum.  Bathing suits are barely nothing, but our own skin...and those who are overweight are encouraged to wear bikinis anyway, with the problem belonging to "anyone else who stares!"

That is the turning point of modesty.  If a woman wears a bit of clothing that draws attention to her over spacious and rebellious flesh...the population will turn a face to stare.  Is not that why she is flaunting her over ambitious body in the first place.  She wants people to look.  Then she can start her conflict and her social chaos.  "Oh my God, he is looking at me!"  "Stop, stop staring at me!"  And then we might hear,"he is perverted because he was staring at me!"  What women like that expose themselves to a surrounding environment of public eyes and expect not to be stared at?  Instead of beach/taco stands and beach/hot dog stands, the new thriving economy is BLINDERS for sale!"  Save your eyes and do not look!

All clothing stores that sell bathing suits used to sell lovely matching cover-ups of the same colors and fabric, and feminine modesty was preserved.  What happened to that idea?  It disappeared like the seagulls on the horizon.  On the beach men are partly to blame for this shift in female thinking because they might have encouraged the bikini clad maidens to "flaunt it all!"  And we are back to the fight.  Women want to be modest, and live in the light of beauty and grace and yet they are prodded and goaded to show more, give more, put it out there!
So what viewpoint wins?

Modesty and its delicate dimensions of dress is slowly sliding and in limbo.  We got to save it!  It does hold on in some corners of the globe.  The Muslims have great expectations for the women to cover up, but is it for modest purposes or something other?  Maybe the family can afford a few sheets of wrapped fabric as opposed to clothing that is stitched together by a sewing machine, and maybe the garment of sheets needs no underclothing, so saves on that expense as well.  And if they stay covered-up, they may use less water, less bedding at night, due to not needing sheets...and so what may appear to Westerners as a garment of female modesty, is merely a garment of pure environmental economy.  The wrapped sheets also dispel wayward stares from desiring male eyes, and thus reduce conflicts of jealousy.  In the kitchen if a woman wearing a sheet garment needs to wash dishes or wipe the table or the food from the baby...a corner of her sheet she is wearing comes in handy.  Although these may be improbable and strange ways of dealing with domestic chores the Muslim sheets have many practical purposes without ever taking them off or showing the female body.  The fabric in the sheets can be used for many domestic chores and practical purposes.  The garments may be worn and regarded as more than political signals, or religious determinants.

We of the Western Cultures have re-engineered clothing and thereby have changed the ideals of modesty into a blaze of glory for all women kind.  Our clothes reflect our status, our duties, our positions of power, our ever changing moods, our seasons of the year, our feelings of the moment, our sport activity, our desires,  our travel destinations, our social statements, our religious beliefs, our political beliefs and our sexual drives.    One simple white or off colored sheet will not serve all these creative urges.  We have devised different types of fabrics sewn into hundreds of designs and patterns to serve all our needs, and some do include the waning experience of feminine modesty.

We have created towels for bathing, washing, wiping and whatever else the process of birth, used up, and worn out leads to.  Among towels we have small, medium and big...we have colors and patterns and thicknesses and numbers of warps and wefts and tightness of weaves.  We have table cloths, and wash cloths, and curtains, and spreads, and sheets, and rugs, and endless varieties of fabrics for clothing in every color of the rainbow and every chemical combination man and God can put together.  Does all of this bring women closer to the quality of female MODESTY?  No that I can tell.

What appears to give us more in terms of choices also increases our choices in female and male behaviors toward the interaction of all these choices and behaviors.  While women are having a great time with all the choices and ways to alter their appearances and behaviors they are not necessarily guided to the idea of female modesty.  If anything, it appears they are being grossly misled.  All of this fabric distillation has come close to creating a garment war.  The fabrics are behind a mood change within the populations of the people.

The problems may not be overweight women trying to squeeze into the bikini or the stretch poly pants, or look pretty in Victoria's Secret Under weapons... or dropping her neckline to reveal a diamond studded Belly-Post and two rolling naughty breasts...it may be that women just can not find satisfaction either at home with their husbands or in particular who they are as women.  They are so lost in this stream of seasonal social seaming of fabrics and accessories, they just do not know what they are doing or who they are.

One sheet is closer to the ideal of modesty and beauty than all the choices laid on the table for the players in the game of "dress code!"

Dress code does not really exist if you are the person in charge of manipulating the dress code to where you use it to have the advantage over all the other people who do not have a choice in their wearing apparel.  One immodest female leader can set the stage of the ruination of all the others, simply because she ignores her basic female duties of inspiration for the orders of modesty.  If she moves forward on the binding contract of manipulative dress, wearing clothing to turn male eyes on her, or make her leadership carved from female sexual manipulation as opposed to leading by purposes and integrity...then she is obviously confused by her true nature of love and beauty.

Princess Diana was the perfection of modesty.  A true royal ruler of fashion and femininity. She was elegant beyond her days.  She held dignity and grace and carried her being in such a way that she inspired billions of humans with a love of her great beauty.  She held her finest hour stating this as her cause.  Princess Diana did not flaunt her body, nor her position through her choices of clothing.

Jacqueline Kennedy, the late first lady of the USA was one of these women also.  She as well carried herself and her garment choices with a beauty and dignity that spoke of the knowledge of female modesty.  She did not flaunt her body, nor her position through her choices of clothing.

Both of these women, Princess Diana and Jackie Kennedy held a sense of organized fashion in their approach to their public appearances and world view.  What they understood about how to dress, was much more than simple presentation of a fashion choice.  It was a statement of MODESTY.

In the United States, Mormon Women, Jehovah's Women, and often Catholic Women can be seen demonstrating this same system of female modesty.  But there are women who are grossly confused about the ideas of appropriate business dress coding.  Teachers are often ignorant of proper dress in front of students, as well as the leaders of businesses.  What these women express to me, is social fashion confusion.  It is not that they desire to be mal-dressed in front of their students or employees, they just are ignorant of the impact they make on other people.  They are so impressed with their own self important and self indulgent lives they have given up on the values they are supposed to be standing up for.  The clothing they wear reflects their attitudes of being "holier than thou", being sexually dominant, and wearing what they want just because they are placed in charge of something and can.  It is not the grace and modesty of power that Princess Diana exhibited, who was a school teacher, and Jackie Kennedy who was a socialite of great dignity.

Apparently American in general does not want its women to understand or know what they are doing with their fashion sense.  The more chaos that is created by the fashion industry and the ideals that it uses to achieve volume sales, the more money there will be to support the industry.  This means they are not in the least concerned whether or not women retain a spec of MODESTY or gentle decorum that helps brings peace to a global society.  We labor under mountains of threads and are repeatedly disdained for our hard work and generous efforts and we are no closer to sorting out the direction of salvation than at any time before....I declare we need to reinvent MODESTY FOR ALL WOMEN.

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